WIKA’s first Sustainability Challenge was a success.

Sustainably towards the future: WIKA is tackling this task in a collaborative, energetic and creative manner, worldwide and with growing success. This is, for example, impressively demonstrated by the first Sustainability Challenge. Thirteen subsidiaries took part in this competition with a total of 29 projects. Four locations were awarded at the Subsidiary Manager Meeting at the headquarters in Klingenberg, Germany.

WIKA’s sustainability team called upon everyone to participate in the challenge. The subsidiaries were able to submit projects in the three areas of sustainability: environment, social affairs and governance. The response exceeded the expectations of the team. The spectrum of projects ranged from LED installations and a health day to investments in e-mobility.

The award recipients of the Sustainability Challenge

A jury shortlisted six projects for the award ceremony. From these proposals, the board of directors then selected the three winners of the Sustainability Challenge: the subsidiaries in India (Ghaziabad), Poland and the USA (Lawrenceville). As a thank you for their commitment, WIKA will sponsor a team event, such as a visit to a sporting event followed by dinner. The subsidiary in Brazil received a special award from the sustainability team for its increased promotion of social sustainability. For WIKA, however, all projects of this kind are a win. They play an important role in making the company more sustainable and also more crisis-proof.

  • WIKA USA: Water consumption reduced by an impressive 76 percent
WIKA USA has significantly reduced its water consumption

The new parts washing system is extremely economically.

WIKA USA has launched a water conservation project at its Lawrenceville site. Its most effective individual measure is a new parts washing system. This system reduces the annual water consumption for the cleaning process from 3.3 million litres to 72,000 litres. The amount saved could supply 4,700 people a year with drinking water. All of these measures combined have enabled Lawrenceville to reduce its water consumption by an impressive 76 percent.  

  • WIKA Poland: Newly developed process for helium recovery
WIKA Poland works with helium recovery.

WIKA Poland recovers 70 percent of the helium.

Helium is used for a variety of leak tests. However, the noble gas is expensive to purchase. This is why WIKA Poland has developed a process for helium recovery at the test station – with remarkable success: The proportion of recyclable “He” is currently at 70 percent. In addition, less helium escapes into the atmosphere thanks to this cycle. At the same time, the subsidiary succeeded in shortening the test cycle from 50 to 35 seconds.

  • WIKA India: Reducing emissions, pulp packaging and the careful use of fresh water
In India the focus is primarily on emissions.

WIKA India promotes the reduction of emissions.

WIKA India’s projects in Ghaziabad are primarily aimed at reducing emissions. The site has, for example, switched its gas supply from LPG to the more environmentally friendly PNG. Additionally, emission-free energy is supplied by a photovoltaic system with an output of 485 kWp. When it comes to packaging for the products, the employees are now opting for solutions made from pulp instead of synthetic materials. Another project focuses on the careful use of fresh water. The subsidiary promotes it through wastewater treatment plants, for example, as well as through the utilisation of rainwater.

  • WIKA Brazil: Second-hand shop for the workforce and waste separation
Der Secondhandshop war ein Projekt der Sustainability Challenge.

Der Secondhandshop für Kleidung kommt gut an.

WIKA Brazil addresses the entire workforce with its sustainability projects. Since 2021, the subsidiary has been running a second-hand shop for the exchange of clothing under the motto “It was mine & now it’s yours”. Anything that is not picked by the employees is donated to a regional NGO. So far, 876 kilograms of clothes have been collected for this cause. WIKA Brazil has also introduced waste separation and motivated employees to participate through a fun competition. In the fight against climate change, the subsidiary set an example with a tree planting campaign involving the employees.

Further information on sustainability at WIKA can be found on the WIKA website. There you can also download the sustainability report. If you have any questions, your contact will gladly help you.

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