Besides 3- and 4-digit digital indicators, there are also 3 1/2-digit indicators available in the market. But what is a 1/2 digit? A full digit can indicate all numbers from “0” to “9”. A 1/2 digit, in contrast, can only display a “1”, a number …
All posts by Anna Zeitler
Characteristics of the display of a digital indicator
| Anna Zeitler | Know-howThe characteristics of the display are an important selection criterion when deciding on a digital indicator. Here, there are different points that must be considered: 1. The number of segments This concerns the segments used to display the numbers. The …
Selection criteria for digital indicators
| Anna Zeitler | Know-howIn many electronic pressure measurement applications there is a need to have the measured value displayed on site - either as an additional option alongside the processing of the signal within the control system or as a sole control instrument. If the transmitter …