Does the FDA issue its own approvals for systems or devices and therefore also issue approvals for measuring devices? Find out more in the following blog post. There are always uncertainties with this topic, which is why I'd like to shed more light on the question in …
All posts by Jochen Gries
3-A vs. EHEDG or also theoretical vs. practical
| Jochen Gries | Know-howExperts estimate the time spent cleaning in the food and beverage industry to be as much as 30 percent. Thus, it is also understandable why the manufacturers attach great importance to a cleaning-friendly design (hygienic design). Many producers therefore look out for …
Are CIP and SIP the same thing – what are the differences?
| Jochen Gries | Know-howUp until the fifties, sealed systems such as pipes or process equipment in technical process plants had to be dismantled and cleaned by hand. This was invariably a time-consuming process. Especially in industrial sectors such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, …
Mineral-insulated cables – a core component for the construction of electrical thermometers
| Jochen Gries | Know-howMineral-insulated cable, often also abbreviated to MI cable, consists of a metal sheath and ceramic-insulated internal conductors. The ceramic is a metal oxide powder (standard material is MgO) with a purity of > 99.0%, which ensures the insulation of the internal …
Hygienic M12 coupler connector for thermometer connection head
| Jochen Gries | TemperatureThe use of an M12 coupler connector at the connection head of a thermometer, rather than a standard cable outlet, enables quick and safe connection. In the hygienic, food and pharmaceutical industries such a design is also being demanded ever more frequently. …