Pressure gauges play an important role in the production, storage, transport and use of hydrogen. In almost all applications, they monitor the pressure at measuring locations that require on-site indications which require no external energy, or serve as a backup for …
Oil & grease-free
Mobile calibration service
| Louisa Braunwarth-Wanka | Know-howA mobile calibration service saves time, and, with that, also money. In particular, time-critical instruments which, in an industrial plant for example, cannot be missed for long, can be calibrated with the minimum of downtime by a mobile service and thus ensuring a …
“Oxygen, oil and grease free” in calibration technology
| Jens Rollmann | Pressure, ProductsOxygen, the gas essential for life, is far more complex in industrial applications than our daily inhalation and exhalation suggests. Industry – especially in the chemical, pharmaceutical or medical engineering fields – is, time and again, finding itself confronted …