In almost all fairground rides, a hydraulic power pack is operating, hidden somewhere behind the beautiful facade. This power pack is not only responsible for driving it, it also guarantees the safety of the attraction. When visiting a funfair, you want to have fun …
Pressure surge
Safety features of welding pressure gauges
| Sandra Broßler | ApplicationsWelding pressure gauges offer several safety features in order to enable the operator to work safely. The DIN EN ISO 5171 standard (Gas welding equipment - Pressure gauges used in welding, cutting and allied processes - ISO 5171:2009) describes the requirements …
Fittings for pressure gauges: mitigating the effects of dynamic load cycles
| Manuel Schwestka | Know-howIn several processes, pressure gauges are temporarily subjected to heavy loading. Dynamic load cycles, for example, can permanently damage the measuring instrument. This can be prevented by mounting the appropriate Fittings. Dynamic load cycles often result from …
What does “adiabatic compression” mean and what is a pressure-surge test?
| Stefan Heusel | Know-howThe term adiabatic compression refers to an abrupt temperature increase as a consequence of a pressure surge. Such temperature increases occur in gaseous media, when the thermal energy which is released due to a change in pressure cannot be passed on to the environment …