Time settings can be made for each electronic pressure switch. Through these, users clean the measurement of the pressure profile in the application and the display of the measured value of any insignificant “outliers”. As a result, you receive a smoothed result …
Switching output
Electronic pressure switches: Many setting options
| Haydar Kartal | Know-howLike their mechanical counterparts, electronic pressure switches are primarily considered for simple control tasks. In addition to switching current and accuracy, there is another distinguishing feature between the two types of instrument: Electronic …
How does one specify the switch point of a float switch?
| Enrico Bossart | LevelIn the specification of the switch points of a float switch, misunderstandings always lead to unsuitable product designs. How one correctly specifies the switch point of a float switch will be explained here. The basic prerequisite for the correct specification …
What is the difference between the switching functions “hysteresis” and “window” in pressure switches?
| Enrico Bossart | Know-howElectronic and mechanical switches are used for monitoring critical limit values and therefore usually fulfil a safety function. To meet this safety function, switches offer two alternative switching functions, the “hysteresis” and the “window” functions. In …
What is meant by the “window” switching function with electronic pressure switches?
| Enrico Bossart | Know-howModern electronic switches often offer a variety of different adjustable switching functions, such as the so-called “window”. When one talks of the “window” switching function, it means the monitoring of a defined measuring range (for example, for the …