Not all calibrations are the same. This is illustrated by the example of “Thermometer calibration” - which test method is used depends on various factors such as process conditions, quality standards and safety requirements. Depending on the method, the calibration …
Hydraulic power pack: Safe and reliable measurement technology
| Jürgen Arndt | ApplicationsIn almost all fairground rides, a hydraulic power pack is operating, hidden somewhere behind the beautiful facade. This power pack is not only responsible for driving it, it also guarantees the safety of the attraction. When visiting a funfair, you want to have fun …
Selection criteria for dial thermometers (3): Capillary
| Christoph Strebel | Know-howBimetal or gas-actuated – the question of the suitable dial thermometer for the respective process can only be answered in a case without comparison: Only gas-actuated thermometers can be combined with a capillary. In In the reaction to a temperature …
Strap-on thermometer or screw-in thermometer? Temperature measurement of pipelines
| Roland Sachs | Know-howTemperature is by far the most common measurand in the industry. However, there are no general solutions for temperature measurement. Even when designing measuring points on pipelines, many different factors for selecting thermometers must be taken into account. The …
Temperature switches in machine building: Which type suits?
| Roland Sachs | Know-howTemperature switches are used in machine building and other industrial applications for limiting temperature. They monitor the temperature and react at a predefined point. To protect from overheating they either switch the equipment or machine off or switch on a fan …