Temperature switches are used in machine building and other industrial applications for limiting temperature. They monitor the temperature and react at a predefined point. To protect from overheating they either switch the equipment or machine off or switch on a fan …
Magic million – the success story of T32
Stefan Schneider | WIKA insightThe T32 is the flagship of WIKA's temperature transmitters – and a bestseller, too: The instrument of serial number 1000000 has already undergone manufacturing. As one of the first temperature transmitters worldwide, T32 has complied with all requirements of …
Ice cold – Electrical thermometers in low ambient temperatures
Joachim Brückner | Know-howMedium temperatures of -60 °C don't even make the designers of electrical thermometers shrug their shoulders – but when one speaks of ambient temperatures of -60 °C, then one often hears a sharp intake of (cold) breath. It quickly becomes clear that one cannot …
Mineral-insulated cables – a core component for the construction of electrical thermometers
Jochen Gries | Know-howMineral-insulated cable, often also abbreviated to MI cable, consists of a metal sheath and ceramic-insulated internal conductors. The ceramic is a metal oxide powder (standard material is MgO) with a purity of > 99.0%, which ensures the insulation of the internal …
Selection criteria for dial thermometers (2): process temperature
Christoph Strebel | Know-howWhich dial thermometer is suitable for which process? Whether a bimetal or a gas-actuated thermometer is used depends on several factors - for example, on the process temperature. Bimetal thermometers are generally designed for scale ranges of -70 °C to +600 …