Sulfur hexafluoride is the gas most commonly used as insulator in power transmission and distribution switchgear. Water, however, can negatively affect the dielectric capabilities of SF 6 gas. To prevent operational and safety issues, it is important to measure and …
The Impact of Fluoride on Pressure Gauges and Diaphragm Seals
Chi-Che Ma | PressureFluoride is added to drinking water in many areas as an important nutrient for the health of human teeth. Too much fluoride in the water, however, can lead to corrosion of pipes or equipment, including sensitive pressure gauges, pressure transmitters, and diaphragm …
Eight Uses for Diaphragm Seals
Alina Green | Know-howIf you’re like many who work in an industrial setting, a laboratory or some other environment in which pressure gauges are indispensable, chances are you’re unacquainted with how important diaphragm seals are. A diaphragm seal separates a gauge from the process …
Best Gauges for Corrosive Conditions
Hardy Orzikowski | PressureAs anyone who has lived near the ocean can attest, corrosive substances do not coexist well with metallic surfaces. Briny, salty water is one byproduct of oil and gas exploration and production, but that’s just the beginning. Equipment and instrumentation used in …
Preventing Gauge Failure from Ambient Corrosion
Alina Green | Know-howAmbient corrosion is ever present in chemical, petrochemical and refining operations. Plant processes often involve the use corrosive materials that leak trace amounts into their nearby surroundings. Over time, even the lowest concentrations of these corrosive agents …