Mensor Cares

Mensor Cares is a group of Mensor employees who believe in the spirit of working together and help others in need. In order to support other non-profits, an own non-profit organisation was financed and formed through payroll deductions, Susan Fisher reports:

Early 2015 a discussion started about how our contributions could be used. Which associa­tions should be funded and what percentage of our contributions would actually get there?
Could we achieve more em­ployee participation if they were involved in making decisions as to where and how their money was spent?

Finally in September 2015, Mensor Cares was founded as a non-profit organisation. It is run wholly by employees and has no overhead administrative costs. One hundred percent of em­ployee donations are returned to recommended charities. A board of directors was elected for multi-
year terms.

Various groups benefit

They meet monthly to review donation requests from agencies and make recommendations for funding. For tax pur­poses, the requesting organisation must be a registered non-profit group as well. A variety of organisations re­ceived funding in 2016 – includ­ing those who serve several thousands of clients and also smaller groups. Among those funded were the Smart Orches­tra with musi­cians of all ages and skills and the Scheib Center, which provides mental health and mental dis­ability services to residents in the area who may not have insurance coverage.

Other recipients have been Meals on Wheels, a local wom­en’s group, and School Fuel, a group that sends food to students. Mensor Cares have educated themselves about local resident non-profits and the needs of others. Through the contributions we have created an atmosphere of giving and fostered an interest in serving our community.

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