The programme “Frauen in Führungspositionen” (FiF) by the Bavarian association of metalworking and electrical engineering employers promotes aspiring female managers.

“FiF” is short for the successful German programme “Frauen in Führungspositionen” (“women in management positions”) by the Bavarian association of metalworking and electrical engineering employers. It provides ambitious women with the opportunity for both personal and professional development. Inspiration, growth, selfcare, communication and fun – that is precisely what “FiF” means for the five WIKA participants in the programme’s seventh season.

In total, more than 50 aspiring female managers had signed up for this season. In five groups, spread right across Bavaria, they met on seven weekends over a year and a half to exchange ideas. They identified personal fields of learning, recognising and promoting their own strengths. A range of different workshops, such as Management and Influence, Personal Management and Self-Organisation as well as Communication Skills, gave the participants insights into individual key topics with the help of illustrative exercises.

Defining personal development goals and roadmap for the future

Through self-reflection and individual assessment, the FiF women learned how to better understand themselves and others. Each individual’s personal development goals were followed by a roadmap for the future that they can continue to work on – a major step in their personal development. In particular, great value was derived from the change of perspective gained through exchanges in a group of inspirational women of all ages, life situations as well as backgrounds and career levels. In addition, quite often friendships were forged that extended well beyond this programme. Two “WIKA babies” born during this season demonstrated that career and private life are indeed mutually compatible.

In-house mentoring programme for FiF participants

WIKA supports the FiF participants with an in-house mentoring programme. The women are supervised, further supported and individually coached by management staff. This makes it possible to practically implement lessons learned directly on site into the everyday working life of the individuals involved.

Further information about WIKA as an employer and about career opportunities in the company can be found on the WIKA career portal.

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You can also watch video statements about WIKA by employees #mystoryatwika

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