Members of the mioty alliance at the E-World in Essen.

Connectivity is a key element of digitalisation. The mioty alliance has opened a new chapter with the mioty radio standard for LPWAN (low-power wide-area network) developed by Frauenhofer IIS. WIKA is a founding member of this alliance and can thus play a decisive role in shaping wireless communication in industrial companies. The mioty alliance’s first Global Summit and appearance at the E-World trade show also attracted a lot of attention in the first half of 2024.

Positive response to the statements on the digitalisation of assets

The first Global Summit of the mioty alliance took place in Dubai.

At the first mioty Global Summit in Dubai, the keynote speech by Andreas Keiger, Executive Vice President Sales EMEAI of the WIKA Group, attracted much attention.

The mioty Global Summit was a place of knowledge exchange and inspiration. Experts on LPWAN radio standards from all over the world met for intensive networking and panel discussions. In addition, they also met with market partners.

At the Summit, Andreas Keiger, the WIKA Group’s Executive Vice President Sales EMEAI, gave an inspiring keynote speech on the topic of “Save your CAPEX with Multi-Protocol and Third Party Integration”. At its core, it was about the following question: Which steps make sense to digitalise assets and thus establish efficient and safe as well as sustainable and cost-saving processes? The feedback from the participants was very positive.

WIKA’s performance promise as an IIoT partner to the industry is “From measured value to added value”. With one billion measuring points on the market worldwide, WIKA is ideal to bring the data obtained to the cloud. To achieve this, sensing technology is being made smarter. WIKA’s innovative complete solutions support customers in becoming future-proof. These solutions offer new added value through the combination and use of digital measured data across the entire value chain.

Partner of the mioty alliance with solutions for a sustainable energy industry

A joint stand at E-World in Essen, Germany, showed what is possible (photo above). Eight exhibitors who are members of the mioty alliance jointly presented their solutions for a sustainable energy industry at the leading trade fair in the energy industry. In addition to WIKA, these were the manufacturer of heat meters Diehl Metering, WIKA’s partner for network solutions Loriot, the companies Lansen and Sentinum, the municipal utilities of the cities of Duisburg and Garbsen and the mioty alliance. Among other things, WIKA presented solutions for the insulation monitoring of steel shell pipes as well as for the detection of leakages in district heating networks.

The collective appearance attracted attention. It received extremely positive feedback from both the exhibitors and the visitors. “It is great to see how medium-sized enterprises and end users join forces to position themselves strongly for the future”, one representative from the public utilities and many guests agreed. The concept “From measured value to added value” and the IIoT solutions from WIKA impressed both the stand partners and the visitors.

On the WIKA website, you can get an overview of our company’s IIoT solutions. Further information on the mioty alliance and the radio standard can also be found on the website of the alliance. 

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You can also find out more about WIKA as a partner for IIoT solutions in the following video

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