Temperature is by far the most common measurand in the industry. However, there are no general solutions for temperature measurement. Even when designing measuring points on pipelines, many different factors for selecting thermometers must be taken into account. The …
Effects of temperature-related density changes on hydrostatic level measurement
Oleg Greber | Know-howWith hydrostatic level measurement, temperature fluctuations in the medium have an effect on the accuracy of the measurement result. But why is that, and how can you minimise the influence of temperature on hydrostatic level measurement? In the blog post “ …
Mobile calibration service
Louisa Braunwarth-Wanka | Know-howA mobile calibration service saves time, and, with that, also money. In particular, time-critical instruments which, in an industrial plant for example, cannot be missed for long, can be calibrated with the minimum of downtime by a mobile service and thus ensuring a …
“Oxygen, oil and grease free” in calibration technology
Jens Rollmann | Pressure, ProductsOxygen, the gas essential for life, is far more complex in industrial applications than our daily inhalation and exhalation suggests. Industry – especially in the chemical, pharmaceutical or medical engineering fields – is, time and again, finding itself confronted …
Operation of a temperature dry-well calibrator
Matthias Bundschuh | CalibrationDry-well calibrators are portable instruments for the simple on-site calibration of temperature measuring instruments. A temperature dry-well calibrator consists of an electrically heated or cooled metal block, an accurate temperature control and an internal reference …