What consumes the most energy in homes, offices, and businesses? It’s not the lights, but ventilation and air conditioning systems. WIKA USA is the one-stop resource for measuring instruments that reliably monitor and regulate air handling units to reduce both operating costs and your carbon footprint.
It’s official: Juneand July 2019were the hottest months ever recorded on Earth. Just think how unbearable our homes and offices would be if it weren’t for ventilation and air conditioning (VAC) systems.
All those air handling unitstake a lot of electricity to run. In fact, they account for the largest proportion of energy consumed in homes, offices, and commercial buildings. The key to savings on utility bills is to make sure the systems’ pressure, flow, and temperature are within the proper ranges. Energy efficiency is also important because it helps protect the planet.
WIKA’s Measuring Instrumentation for Air Handling Units
WIKA has measuring instrumentation that makes it easy to monitor and regulate pressure, flow, and temperature in VAC units. The devices are simple to mount and/or retrofit, and are worry- and maintenance-free. They come in manual versions as well as with digital interfaces for remote monitoring.
WIKA’s comprehensive portfolio of instruments can measure:
- Differential pressureto determine when a filter needs to be cleaned or replaced
- Air flowin fans to ensure proper distribution
- Temperaturein heat exchangers to prevent frost damage
- Air flow, quality, and temperaturein ventilation ducts to control the condition of the air
Rather than sourcing differential pressure gauges from one manufacturer and temperature sensors from another, WIKA USA can supply the measuring technology for all your VAC needs. Watch this short videofor a look into how our instruments can help your air handling units operate more efficiently and sustainably. As always, our specialists in heating, ventilation, and air handlingare more than happy to answer your questions and offer expert advice.