The best way to get a grip on the gauges in your plant is to create a "living document" of your gauge population. A recent webinar hosted by WIKA Instrument, LP and Hart Energy highlighted the fact that 65% of the gauges in an average manufacturing or process plant …
All posts by Alina Green
Pressure Gauge Woes May Signal Need to Streamline
Alina Green | ApplicationsYou seldom think about your plant's stockroom until something goes wrong . When everything’s in its place and everybody’s finding what they need to keep operations running smoothly, there’s not much to worry about. Then a glitch finds its way into your …
Overlooked Instrumentation Can Lead to Safety Incidents
Alina Green | Know-howThe devil truly is in the details. Level indicators and temperature measurement devices are classic examples of the kind of small—but important—instrumentation that people in the oil and gas industry must be ever vigilant about. Instruments must provide …
How a Supplier with a Global Network Helps You
Alina Green | Know-howSize really does matter when it comes to instrument companies. A company with a global network has the expertise to make sure you have the right instrument in the right place and to ensure you have the products you need in inventory. With WIKA Instruments, you …
Creating a Culture of Workplace Safety
Alina Green | WIKA insightWorkplace safety cannot be governed by rules. No matter how comprehensive or well thought out your safety rules and regulations are, rules can't create safe working conditions. Only people can maintain a safe workplace. All the safety rules in the world won't stop …