Nearly all major manufacturers today understand the importance of having their manufacturing processes and products conform to comprehensive national and international standards. Larger nations typically have their own standards agency, and there are several international standards organizations, as well. The benefits to businesses of adhering to comprehensive standards include: Saving money — standards are designed to optimize operations and improve the bottom line
- Greater customer satisfaction — standards improve product quality, enhance customer satisfaction and increase sales
- Access to new markets — international standards help break down trade barriers and open up global markets
- Increased market share — standards increase productivity of reliable products leading to a competitive advantage
- Environmental benefits — most standards are designed to be as “green” as possible to minimize environmental impacts.
Standards Organizations
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which is a part of U.S. Department of Commerce, is a federally funded research organization that produces a broad range of standards for American businesses. The International Standards Organization (ISO) is the most well-known among global standards bodies. Note that the ISO, itself, does not issue certifications. The ISO produces standards and works with the International Accrediting Forum to accredit certifying bodies who issue the certifications.
ISO 9001 and Related Certifications
Most large manufacturers already have or are seeking to complete an ISO 9001 Quality Management Certification for their facilities. An ISO 9001 certification is a long and arduous process as the standard is extremely detailed and covers every aspect of product manufacture, from procurement through shipping. Accurate instrument calibrations are an important part of the ISO 9001 standard, and process plants frequently plan their calibration cycle to immediately precede ISO audits.
WIKA Calibration Lab
WIKA’s Calibration Lab recently received ISO 17025 accreditation. Our experienced technicians can calibrate all types of pressure and temperature instruments, and will also perform repairs or refitting as required. Frequently, gauges need repairs such as having bad movements replaced or the pointer reset or replaced before they can be recalibrated. WIKA has certified professional calibration labs at a number of facilities across the globe. In the U.S., just drop us a line at [email protected] with any questions or to make arrangements to ship gauges for repair or calibration.