An interactive pipeline and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) by WIKA USA simplifies the evaluation and selection process for the best temperature, pressure, and level measuring solutions for your hydroprocessing applications. A couple of clicks on the diagram …
Prevent Hydrocracking Runaways with the Gayesco Flex-R® Multipoint Thermocouple
| Robert Torgerson | TemperatureThermal runaways in hydrocracking processes are a serious concern for refiners. Comprehensive, real-time temperature monitoring is critical to preventing runaways, which is why most hydrocrackers across the world are equipped with Gayesco Flex-R ® multipoint …
Temperature Measurements in Hydrocracking Units: Solutions by WIKA
| Robert Torgerson | TemperatureCracking furnaces in refineries operate under extreme conditions. To perform at their best, hydrocracking units rely on sophisticated temperature measurement systems. WIKA USA offers a complete portfolio of accurate and reliable temperature measurement solutions for …
Increasing Refineries’ Bottom Line with Reliable Temperature Measurement Solutions
| Robert Torgerson | Know-how, TemperatureThere is a direct relationship between tubeskin temperature measurement and hydrocracker performance. Too-high or too-low temperatures can lead to slowdowns, shutdowns, furnace tube failures, and other costly losses. To improve bottom-line performance, refineries need …