Each month, WIKA USA recognizes employees who exemplify one of the company’s seven core values. The peer-nominated award is presented to employees who go above and beyond in their roles, all while upholding WIKA’s commitment to integrity, customer satisfaction, partnership, safety, continuous improvement, social responsibility, and excellence.
Established when WIKA was founded in 1946, core values are the standards by which WIKA measures itself and its employees. Thanks to employees’ commitment to these corporate values, WIKA has become a worldwide leader in industrial measurement technology. The company would not be where it is today without this dedication from within.
Employees who do more than expected are vital to WIKA’s overall mission of helping customers succeed through superior instrumentation solutions. This is why WIKA USA began the monthly Core Value Award program two decades ago – to acknowledge employees for their hard work and dedication.
Corporate Core Values are Keys to Company Success
A peer-nominated program, Core Value Awards give employees a special way to thank their colleagues for doing extraordinary work. Recipients are recognized for making a positive impact on WIKA’s continued success. Each nominee is chosen for exemplifying one of seven core values:
- Integrity: Promoting ethical business practices
- Customer Satisfaction: Creating positive customer experiences
- Partnership: Encouraging collaboration in the workplace
- Safety: Maintaining a safe work environment
- Continuous Improvement: Improving WIKA policies and processes
- Social Responsibility: Improving the community and the world at large
- Excellence: Exceeding expectations in work that directly impacts company success
Each month a committee composed of senior managers chooses the winners, who receive a plaque, monetary award, and a designated parking spot at the main WIKA USA campus in Lawrenceville, Georgia.
May 2019 Corporate Core Value Award Winners
The following five employees were selected for exemplifying one of WIKA USA’s corporate core values:
Photo above: Nick Steele with coworkers
Nick Steele, Engineering, WIKA Flow | Recognized for Excellence
Nick received an unprecedented four nominations for his all-around dedication to excellence! Here are what his coworkers at WIKA Flow in Mansfield, Texas, said about him:
- Vicky Powell writes, “Nick prides himself on excellence at all levels – whether it is a call with a customer, questions from shop personnel, interactions with coworkers, or defining critical solutions for difficult problems. Nick works hard, works late, and works with every single person without hesitation with the takeaway of either a path forward or a firm solution. Flow Division and WIKA alike are fortunate to have him on our team.”
- Loren White writes, “Nick has continuously exemplified what a manager should be. He is continuously educating the team on information beneficial to the positive production of what the engineering team does. He is always responsive when a question is asked or when help is needed. Thanks, Nick, for your wisdom and experience.”
- Khan Nguyen writes, “Nick is a valued engineering manager as he joined all of us in the Engineering department to work together and release our best products for the company. We are proud to work under his leadership, to improve the quality of our products, and to continually become better at our job.”
- Izak van der Walt writes, “Nick has been essential to the success of the engineering department as a whole. As a coworker and colleague, I see how he fosters teamwork, provides help when possible, and pushes everyone in the department to excel. Most of the engineering tools currently being used have been designed exclusively for or in large part by Nick. He works at an unparalleled pace and with great accuracy.
“As a leader and manager, he has shown great character, immense integrity, and a great deal of patience. He has managed a group that, in the history of WIKA Flow, has seen some turmoil with a positive attitude that reinvigorates everyone. He tempers egos and leads with distinction. He has shown wisdom in decision making and demonstrates a critical ear while listening. He deserves the Excellence award because he never fails to deliver on expectations. I am glad that Mansfield can finally take part in the Core Values Program, as it has been long overdue to recognize Nick for his work and his achievements.”

Eva Spegt with coworkers
Eva Spegt, Information Technology, Pressure Gauge Division | Recognized for Partnership
Andrew Campbell praises Eva for her efforts on the recent ERP project. “Eva worked tirelessly to follow up on long overdue critical AX functionality for the Houston Diaphragm Seals Division to justify bringing AX development capabilities to the WIKA USA team. This is a faster and more robust change request process for local system customizations.”
Cristal Mesa, General Administration, Electrical Temperature Level Division | Recognized for Partnership

Cristal Mesa, Jose Ramos, and coworkers
Kimberly Dean writes, “I am nominating Cristal for the Core Value Award due to her excellent work ethic and willingness to help others. Cristal has worked here for several years and, over that time, she consistently steps up when there is work to be done. She has headed up the BBQ Cook-Off and other team building events. She has also taken on new roles, such as being HR representative for our location and overseeing office management, from reception to janitorial services. Cristal wears several hats and yet is always ready to help when help is needed, and her efforts go a long way to helping things run smoothly.”
Jose Ramos, Manufacturing, Electrical Temperature Level Division | Recognized for Customer Satisfaction (and more!)
Writing for Mark Weldon, Griselda Salazar nominates Jose for the way he handled a tight turnaround. In fact, she writes that he qualifies for four awards! “Jose Ramos should be awarded with the Core Value Award for EXCEEDING Customer Satisfaction while providing Excellence, Integrity, as well as Partnership for a rush job.
“When he realized that the material needed – in this case an MI (mineral insulated) cable – wasn’t being delivered until the next day, he literally took it upon himself and searched for the UPS driver around the entire Pasadena/Deer Park area in hopes of getting a hold of the MI cable. After that, he then was told to go to the UPS hub off of Mykawa [the southern edge of Houston]. He did, and had a hard time getting someone to help him and not give him the run around. Once he had the material, he came back to the manufacturing floor and had the crew work on the job. Job was done, and the customer was shocked to discover how fast it was taken care of. Needless to say, Jose definitely deserves this Core Value Award and much more.”

Jo Lynn Linville
Jo Lynn Linville, Procurement, WIKA Flow | Recognized for Excellence
Vicky Powell nominates Jo Lynn for all that she does for the department. “Jo Lynn works diligently and sometimes even feverishly to get material to our facility for every product we manufacture. Her duties also include keeping in close contact with all vendors, ordering office supplies, and notifications of material status. Jo Lynn goes above and beyond keeping our office supplies organized and in stock. She is a prime example of excellence and a great asset to the Flow Division and WIKA.”