The spirit of giving continues unabated at WIKA USA’s Lawrenceville headquarters, where employees collected and donated over 3,000 nonperishable food items for a local charitable organization.

Some of the 3,000-plus nonperishable goods WIKA USA employees collected during the 2020 Annual Food Drive
Greater Atlanta’s unemployment rate is roughly double that of a year ago, making food security an even larger issue than before. In the amidst of all the chaos that has defined 2020, WIKA USA employees were determined – more than ever – to hold their annual food drive.
Once again, the Quality Department issued a challenge to see which division could donate the most canned and packaged food items. And like last year, Quality was the undisputed winner.
We are grateful to all who who participated and gave so generously. Thanks to everyone’s efforts, WIKA USA was able to donate over 3,000 nonperishable food items to the Lawrenceville Cooperative Ministry, an organization whose vision is a hunger-free community.
Photo above: The Quality Department with some of the food items they collected