Each month, WIKA USA recognizes employees who exemplify one of the company’s seven core values. The peer-nominated award is presented to employees who go above and beyond in their roles, all while upholding WIKA’s commitment to integrity, customer satisfaction, partnership, safety, continuous improvement, social responsibility, and excellence.
Established when WIKA was founded in 1946, core values are the standards by which WIKA measures itself and its employees. Thanks to employees’ commitment to these corporate values, WIKA has become a worldwide leader in industrial measurement technology. The company would not be where it is today without this dedication from within.
Employees who do more than expected are vital to WIKA’s overall mission of helping customers succeed through superior instrumentation solutions. This is why WIKA USA began the monthly Core Value Award program two decades ago – to acknowledge employees for their hard work and dedication.
Corporate Core Values are Keys to Company Success
A peer-nominated program, Core Value Awards give employees a special way to thank their colleagues for doing extraordinary work. Recipients are recognized for making a positive impact on WIKA’s continued success. Each nominee is chosen for exemplifying one of seven core values:
- Integrity: Promoting ethical business practices
- Customer Satisfaction: Creating positive customer experiences
- Partnership: Encouraging collaboration in the workplace
- Safety: Maintaining a safe work environment
- Continuous Improvement: Improving WIKA policies and processes
- Social Responsibility: Improving the community and the world at large
- Excellence: Exceeding expectations in work that directly impacts company success
Each month a committee composed of senior managers chooses the winners, who receive a plaque, monetary award, and a designated parking spot at the main WIKA USA campus in Lawrenceville, Georgia.
November 2019 Corporate Core Value Award Winners
The following five employees were selected for exemplifying one of WIKA USA’s corporate core values:
Photo above: Karen McCord and coworkers
Karen McCord, Human Resources | Recognized for Partnership
“Karen is a STAR in the HR department,” writes nominator Jerry Collier. “She is always willing to help and is extremely responsive. Most recently, I had a question about my benefits elections showing up differently than I had remembered in the past years. Karen responded immediately to clarify my question, check in ADP, and then solved my problem in less than 15 minutes. Her dedication to WIKA employees is the perfect example of how the partnership between HR and the other departments should work. Thanks, Karen!”
Matthew Nylin, Engineering, Pressure Gauge Division | Recognized for Partnership

Matt Nylin and coworkers
Bettina Ginn in HR had a challenge, and Matt stepped in with the just-right solution. She writes, “After learning about a need for employee pictures for the new badge system, Matt created a photo app. This app allows employees to login using their employee number, auto-populates the employee’s name, and the pictures are then automatically formatted to the dimensions needed for the new badge system. In addition, he assisted by finding an adjustable podium to set the laptop on and secured a place for taking the pictures. This setup was a tremendous help to the not-so-technical HR department! We were trying desperately to find a cost-effective way to resolve this issue. Matt exhibited his commitment to partnership by assisting another department with a project that goes beyond what is expected of him. More importantly, he volunteered, followed through with better-than-expected results, and did it all with a smile on his face.” Nice work, Matt!
Michael Kocjan and Daniel Webb, Maintenance, Pressure Gauge Division | Recognized for Integrity

Daniel Webb, Michael Kocjan, and coworkers
A small change can make a huge difference, which is why Felicia Hicks in the Parts department nominated these two workers. She writes, “Michael and Daniel replaced the wheels on the BT Raw cart that is located in cell 1660. This may seem like a simple task to them, but the results are more than just a work assignment to us. Moving the rack is not easy because of the weight of the crates that are stocked there. By replacing the current wheels with sturdy heavy-duty ones, the cart is now easier to roll and maneuver. Loading and unloading the rack has just become safer and more efficient. The impact and benefit were recognized immediately. So, on behalf of the Parts department, we would like to say ‘thank you’!”
Luis Robledo, Parts & Receiving, ETL Division | Recognized for Excellence

Luis Robledo and coworkers
Ramiro Rosales is a big fan of Luis, who exemplifies the spirit of problem solving and collaboration. Ramiro writes, “Luis goes above and beyond expectations. He is willing to help with anything you ask of him. He does whatever it takes to resolve any issues with AX (WIKA’s ERP system).” Keep up the great work, Luis!