Having an accurate temperature profile of reactors can alert operators of small problems before they become large ones. However, the process of checking thermocouples usually requires significant downtime and, thus, expense. WIKA’s Multipoint Thermocouple …
Multipoint Thermocouples: The Ideal High Temperature Sensors for Ammonia Applications
| Alina Green | TemperatureTemperature measurement and monitoring are critical for processes that synthesize ammonia for nitrogen fertilizer production. WIKA USA’s multipoint thermocouple assemblies feature high temperature sensors designed to withstand the harsh condition of ammonia …
Prevent Hydrocracking Runaways with the Gayesco Flex-R® Multipoint Thermocouple
| Robert Torgerson | TemperatureThermal runaways in hydrocracking processes are a serious concern for refiners. Comprehensive, real-time temperature monitoring is critical to preventing runaways, which is why most hydrocrackers across the world are equipped with Gayesco Flex-R ® multipoint …