When reactors or pipelines are located in extremely hot or cold conditions, they must be insulated in order to keep the process media within an optimal temperature range. This insulation, however, makes it time-consuming and expensive for operators to replace a …
temperature measurement
For High-Vibration Applications, Use Rugged Pt100 Sensors
Ravi Jethra | TemperatureTurbines, pumps, and compressors produce significant vibrations, which can lead temperature measurement instruments to give incorrect readings and cause premature sensor failure. Pt100 RTDs can withstand several times more vibration than standard elements, making them …
The Role of Thermocouple Sensors in Catalyst Die-Off Predictions for LTS Syngas Reactors
Robert Torgerson | Know-howBy using thermocouple sensors and plotting temperature measurements at different points in the catalyst bed, syngas plant operators can accurately predict catalyst behavior. The resulting “S” curves – along with shifts and shape changes over time – also give …
Diaphragm Seals Improve Reliability in Bioethanol Production
Ravi Jethra | Know-howIn bioethanol production processes, engineers must closely monitor pressure, temperature, level, and flow in order to ensure safe and efficient operations. Diaphragm seals in these applications do double duty: protect pressure measurement instruments from the medium, …
Prevent Hydrocracking Runaways with the Gayesco Flex-R® Multipoint Thermocouple
Robert Torgerson | TemperatureThermal runaways in hydrocracking processes are a serious concern for refiners. Comprehensive, real-time temperature monitoring is critical to preventing runaways, which is why most hydrocrackers across the world are equipped with Gayesco Flex-R ® multipoint …